The hardest thing for a man with cancer is losing control over your life. You get tangled up in a web of specialist appointments, medical tests and treatment decisions. And you don't want people around you to worry, or look like you can't handle it, or worse, feel sorry for you. You stop trusting your body. It only takes a pain or ache and you think—is it cancer? Is it growing, has it spread? These worries they get to you because now you can't make plans and your entire future is shrouded in uncertainty. But you can put a stop to cancer having a stranglehold over your life! In this book, Joe Bakhmoutski, using personal experience of overcoming cancer, shows how to build confidence around treatment so you know what to expect every step of the way, how to get the support you want from people in your life without coming off needy or weird, and how to divert the inevitable worry so you can have the life you deserve despite cancer. In this book, you will learn how to:
Simplify Cancer sets you up to get through chemotherapy and other cancer treatment in the best way possible and having the best life you can despite cancer. This is the manual that every man needs to take charge of their life during cancer.