Stump is having a feeling. A feeling he calls 'GREAT SADNESS', because he used to live in the Big Tree, until a bolt of lightning struck him out. Poor Stump! He bravely tries to stick himself back onto the tree, but his twiggy friends have a different idea. They'll help you out, Stump. That's what twigs are for!
The world is big when you're a twig! From the best-selling creators of Real Pigeons comes a joyous early graphic novel series that you can read aloud. With eight books in the series, these hilarious books are perfect for readers aged 3 to 7 and fans of Narwhal and Jelly, School of Monsters and Elephant and Piggie.
'These colourful books will awaken children to the beauty of nature, its usefulness and glory. They are encouraged through the twig's examples, to be creative, innovative, work as a team, and accept each other's differences.' –Kids Book Review
★ ALIA Graphic Notable Graphic Novel series
★ The Guardian's Best Australian Children's Books Series
★ Bookstagram Best Early Reader Series
Hello Twigs is perfect for:
Collect all eight books in the adorably funny Hello Twigs series: